The Christmas Turkey

Beneath December’s twilight hue,The kitchen stirs with tasks to do.A bird of gold, both proud and grand,Awaits the magic of the hand. From grocer’s shelf to table’s gleam,A yuletide feast, a cherished dream.The turkey rests, its purpose clear,A centerpiece of Christmas cheer. With careful hands, the brine is made,A salty bath where flavors wade.Herbs and … [Read more…]

Investment in Artful Spaces Beyond the Confines of Walls, for a Legacy of Culture

Nowadays in our society dominated by mass production and standardization there is a rising interest among investors and art lovers alike to discover properties that go beyond mere functionality and instead become integral to a cultural heritage. This change is reshaping the concept of property ownership—it’s no longer about financial value but also, about embodying … [Read more…]

Navigation Song

I, too, am a bit Obsessedwith my own wind-tossed turning, compass wheeling. My feet go barewhen allowed – when the sun but not the Frost – The spinning jig exhausts as All borderson being lost. Now is the time for the fainting couch – Gentlemen – drag it in and Iwill drape my limbs just … [Read more…]

Something About a Black Boy

after “Unidentified Portrait” by Christopher Murphy, Jr., 1937oil on board A revolution restsbehind his eyeswhere the tears ofmothers sleep A mind to explorethe world that didn’task for him brims be-yond his jagged hairline He sits patientlylike sand waiting inan hourglass or likea Mona Lisa smile yet he’s ready torun all day andnever get tiredrun straight … [Read more…]

Four Poems

My Mother’s Mother (Speaks) For years, I forgot how to laugh,and the mirror smiled back like a stranger. My tongue swam like leaves in hot tea,the silence burning at my mouth. Homeless, I live with my daughter,the smallest one, hard as the earth. The one always running away:from her marriage, her country, her home. Run … [Read more…]

Loving My Neighbor

“Love your neighbor, yet pull not down your hedge.” – George Herbert Once I called the cops on my neighbor. He was not, as you’d expect, obviously deserving of such a measure. He does not drive me mad with his stereo, like the guy who lives below my poor old parents, whose vibrations make my … [Read more…]


Edward Abbey wished to be reincarnated after death as a vulture. Oddly enough, my husband feels the same. Either that, or he thinks he was a vulture in some distant, past life. Perhaps these men, aiming to soar the skies, feeding on death to create life, in a new life after their own death, help … [Read more…]